
Every day we pass through anonymous public spaces without emotional investment.

But what if we stopped to check in with ourselves in these spaces?

Peter’s images position viewers at the edge of a space they’re deciding whether to enter.

Built environment is stripped of context. Structures have no discernible purpose or entry points. Signs are absent or incongruous. Paths lead nowhere.

Formally appealing with clean lines, restrained colour palettes, rhythmic shape repetitions, fluffy clouds in clear skies, the images are strangely unsettling.

Grass is hyper-coloured and carpetlike. Monolithic concrete structures drop away to the sea. Arrows point up to nothing.

Peter’s city evokes the existential alienation of lives lived out in unremarkable apartment towers.

Peter is an architecture photographer and this body of work represents the outcome of research and practise-based study towards a Master of Arts, Photography at Photography Studies College, Melbourne.

Peter graduated in May 2022 and received the MGA (Monash Gallery of Art) Excellence in the Master of Arts Award.

Arrival (2020)

These were the best of times, it was the age of light and enlightenment (2020)

Here journeys have ended, the pioneering flame has guttered and failed (2020)

Only a sort of luminous enduring calm remains (2021)

Semper Anticus (always forward)+ 2022

MotorHotel (offered me an avenue of escape) 2020

Disparitions #1 2021

A brooding sense of hopelessness prevailed 2021

Parable [or allegory] 2021

Disparitions #2 2021